Digital Grading Assignments Made Easy

Digital Grading 101: How to use a digital worksheet maker to create Easy-to-Use Auto-graded assignments and assessments

Are you feeling weighed down by the stack of grading you have? Free up nights and weekends by automating your grading in your classroom. We’ve come up with a guide to jumpstart your digital grading journey. 

A teacher smiling in her classroom holding a pile of worksheets.

What is Digital Grading?

A digital-graded, or auto-graded assignment, is an assignment that is instantaneously graded. Often teachers use tools that automate the grading process. They create an assignment and then put in a key that the app uses to grade submissions. Self-graded assessments and worksheets can be partially or fully graded by auto-grading software. TeacherMade converts all of your assignments to digital worksheets and gives you the option to auto-grade interactive digital activities. 

What types of assignments and assessments can be Digital graded?

Most assignments can be auto-graded using TeacherMade. Here are a few ideas: 
    • Homework: Teachers use homework for practice. So why not automate it? You can even set up your assignment options so that students can get instant feedback, so they know how they are doing at the moment.
    • Worksheets: Are worksheets dominating your grading time? Much like homework, teachers spend a lot of time grading worksheets. Free up your time grading and focus on things that matter more: instruction, meaningful feedback, and relationships. 
    • Formative Assessment: Do a quick check with your students and get instant feedback on their learning journey.
    • Quizzes: Most quizzes can be automated. Just put in your key with TeacherMade
    • Tests and Assessment: Multiple-choice tests are perfect for self-grading. But you can also grade portions of tests and use self-grade for the rest.
    • Bellringers: Start your day off in the right way with auto-graded bell work. It’s easy to have students log in to their digital bell work, and then you can quickly receive the feedback.

Benefits of Digital graded Assignments

Once you implement auto-scoring in your classroom, you will be amazed at all of the benefits you will experience. 

Save time with self-graded assignments and assessments

Many teachers are reluctant to start using digital assignments that self-grade because of the learning curve. It can be frustrating to learn a new app or software only to realize it’s not the right fit in your classroom. And each time you use it, there is time spent getting it set up just right. But here’s the thing, you’re already spending time typing and editing assignments that you use all the time. You’re also spending time copying the assignment, handing it out, and grading it. Why not cut this time out with some setup time?

With TeacherMade, our app makes it easy to set up auto-grading on all of your assignments. If you can set up a PowerPoint, you can set up a self-graded assignment. Try TeacherMade today

Digital worksheets are the key to implementing auto-graded Assignments in your classroom today

If you want to simplify grading with auto-grading, the best way to do this is to regularly use digital worksheets in your classroom. It’s easy to create a TeacherMade assignment. 

    • Step 1: Upload your worksheet or assessment file. (We accept these file types.)
    • Step 2: Add fields for student responses.
    • Step 3: Include answers to questions that work for self-scoring.
    • Step 4: Send links to assignments to complete.
    • Step 5: Allow our auto-grade feature to do all of the work from there!

Get immediate data that informs instruction

Your results show up instantly on TeacherMade. Take these results and immediately modify your lesson for an impact that will reach your students. With traditional grading, you may have to wait over a week before getting a clear picture of your students’ knowledge. It can feel too late to correct your course of action by then. 

Intervene faster with faster results

Connect with students that need intervention faster with TeacherMade. You will instantly know which concepts students struggle with while using our self-grading feature. Stop wasting time grading, and connect with students when the material is still fresh on their minds. 

Why use TeacherMade as a digital worksheet maker over Google Forms or Slides?

You may want to use Google Forms or Google Google Slides because it is already connected to Google Classroom. But TeacherMade syncs up with Google Classroom and provides an intuitive and feature-rich app for creating digital worksheets. 

    • Stop limiting students with basic online worksheets from Google Forms. With TeacherMade, your online activities will look and feel like traditional paper assignments and tests. 
    • Add multimedia like your voice or a video clip to your traditional PDF assignments.
    • Grade assignments instantly. TeacherMade allows you the flexibility to edit your answer key as you grade– just like when you grade paper assignments and tests. 
    • Our app connects to all of the major LMS platforms: Google Classroom, Canvas, and Schoology.

Use TeacherMade as a Digital grading worksheet and assignment resource

Regain your nights and weekends with TeacherMade. When you digitize your assignments, you gain the advantages of self-grading. This leads to seeing results faster and adjusting your instruction in the moment. Become a more organized and informed teacher with our auto-grading features today.