How do you use for Questions of the Day and other student check-ins?

A crucial part of the classroom is checking in every day with your students. It’s the way to check if students understand what they’ve learned, or to get to know them better. Now you can digitize activities like Questions of the Day with TeacherMade and easily access the information at any time. Try our FREE software to put your Questions of the Day and bell work online.

Teacher and Students Excited to Get Class Started with TeacherMade App for Questions of the Day

Questions of the Day #1: How do I do online student check-in assignments?

In just a few simple steps, you can put your daily check-in questions for students online.

  • Step 1: Upload your file. The file you upload becomes the background of your new online worksheet. (We support these file types.)
  • Step 2: Add fields for student responses.
  • Step 3: Add answers to questions for self-scoring.
  • Step 4: Send an assignment link to students or sync with your school’s LMS platform.
  • Step 5: Get instant feedback and results.

You can use existing materials you have already developed for your classroom. It’s no wonder thousands of Teachers have already signed for TeacherMade.

What are other Teachers saying about us?

“The instant feedback, flexibility in formatting, and ability to make quick modifications on the spot are invaluable to me as a Teacher. This app saves me so much time, not just in grading but in planning. That time can then be focused on providing specific help or instruction for students in the classroom and having some additional, much-needed downtime at home. The students also benefit from getting scores, comments, and corrections within a shorter period of time so that they can focus their studies and questions accordingly.” – Tiffany S.

“I alternate between Google Forms and TeacherMade worksheets for check-ins each day. They are posted on our Google Classroom so students can easily access them. Math worksheets/problems are my go-to on TeacherMade. This is an easy way for me to check in on my students’ progress to see what we need to review. I typically use them after a lesson but over the past several weeks I have also used them as an opener before a lesson. It helps me differentiate my instruction.” – Jennifer T.

Questions of the Day#2: Why do other Teachers use TeacherMade for checking in with students?

Modify existing worksheets
Check-in assignments can feel daunting to create every day. However, TeacherMade makes it so easy because you can modify existing worksheets. Cassandra K. says, “Sometimes I modify the existing worksheets to allow for better TeacherMade formatting when I create my worksheets. These worksheets offer more ‘meaning’ for students because they know that each answer will be graded for correctness.” She says that this works better for her and her students because of accountability, “Students must turn in their work on time and the amount of time spent on the assignment is recorded.”

Familiar Structure
Teachers love the familiar structure that TeacherMade provides. Your online check-in questions and worksheets will look like traditional classroom handouts. Teacher Heather B. explains, “I found that if students had a familiar structure–such as a worksheet–they would participate more fully.” She loves how the process is so easy, “I quickly converted the PDF that was shared with the Teachers into a TeacherMade worksheet.” Heather said the process was so fast, “Normally, I would already have a plan for a TeacherMade worksheet but that was something that I needed to do rather quickly (like in fifteen minutes before my students returned from electives type quickness).”

Provides a snapshot of student learning
Frequent and authentic snapshots of student learning help inform teaching decisions. Tiffany S. explains why she loves TeacherMade for checkpoint quizzes:

“Checkpoint quizzes are a quick thing I make in TeacherMade. These offer a few questions for students to answer on one specific topic. It provides me and them with a snapshot of how well they understood the material that was covered that day in class, or perhaps over the course of 2-3 days in class. Using TeacherMade for these assessments allows for me to modify information and questions asked for each section. I can also use different numbers in calculations to prevent answer sharing. All of this can be done within minutes as opposed to writing multiple different quizzes.”

Asynchronous learning
Do you have students in-person and online? TeacherMade may be for you. Theresa D. describes why she uses it for asynchronous learning, “TeacherMade has made it infinitely easier for me to take materials from very different sources and deliver them in a consistent way to my students. They are very comfortable with the format and are able to use the tools that TeacherMade provides.

Questions of the Day and Check-ins with your students are a piece of cake with TeacherMade

Sign up for our free software to streamline check-in assignments with your students. You can receive quick and meaningful feedback from your students each day in class.