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Kami App vs. TeacherMade: Which online worksheet tool should I use?

On your search to find the ultimate online assignment generator for your class, you may have found several different options. So let’s compare Kami and TeacherMade. Both options bring something extra to your classroom. What is the right digital worksheet creator for you?

Teachermade vs. kami - online worksheet converter

Create digital worksheets with Kami and TeacherMade

Both Kami and TeacherMade make PDFs more useful in your classroom. You can convert PDFs into digital worksheets to use in your classroom with Kami and TeacherMade. The difference is in the details. There are a few questions that you have to consider before adopting TeacherMade or Kami:

    • How do you want to measure learning with your interactive activities?
    • Do you want self-grading worksheets to save time and increase student engagement?
    • Is whole-group collaboration a feature you’re interested in with your digital worksheets?
    • Do you want your edtech to be versatile so every Teacher and student can benefit from its use?

What’s similar with Kami and TeacherMade?

TeacherMade and Kami bring a lot to the edTech playing field. Here are some core features the two apps share.

Create online worksheets

Both TeacherMade and Kami can be used for creating online worksheets. There is a problem in the educational technology space: effortlessly taking worksheets and assignments and bringing them to the digital space. So both apps aim to conquer this issue. But how and when you use Kami for this purpose will be less frequent than TeacherMade. 

We use worksheets for different things in the classroom. So these apps will have their pros and cons. Kami is an excellent tool for whole-class collaboration, presentation, and discussion. Think of those times that you pass out a handout or reading to examine together. Those instances where you are looking at text line-by-line and picking it apart. Kami’s collaboration tools are great for this. With TeacherMade you can also distribute PDFs but its power is in applied learning. When you want to use digital worksheet activities in the classroom for practice, reinforcement, assessment, and skill acquisition, then TeacherMade is the best pick. 

Consider how you’re using online worksheets in your classroom before selecting a tool.

Digital tools

When you log in to both TeacherMade and Kami, the toolbar and digital tools offered will be very similar. Here’s a rundown of what you will see on both apps:

    • Select tool: You can use this to make selections on your digital document. 
    • Markup tools: You can markup your digital assignments using pencils, highlighters, text, and more.
    • Comment: Both apps allow you to leave comments. Comments can be text, audio, or video clips. 
    • Text box: You can add text boxes to online worksheets. This is where you type text or create a form for your students to submit work. 
    • Drawing: Teachers and students can draw anywhere on the digital worksheets with the drawing tools. 
    • Shapes: Similar to the drawing tool, you can add shapes anywhere to your digital worksheet. 
    • Eraser tool: Bring added flexibility to your document by erasing mistakes. 
    • Equation tools: Math and science teachers can have added functionality with equation tools in both programs.

Google Classroom integration

TeacherMade and Kami both integrate with Google Classroom, providing a seamless experience when incorporating technology into the classroom.

Canvas and Schoology Integrations

Both TeacherMade and Kami integrate with Canvas and Schoology.

What makes TeacherMade different from Kami?

It can be hard to spot the differences between TeacherMade and Kami with so many similar features. But the key is to understand when to use the apps. TeacherMade is a true productivity and assessment workhorse. Kami is the perfect tool for whole-class presentation and collaboration. TeacherMade, on the other hand, is the tool to use when students need to practice their learning or demonstrate knowledge. Here are a few features and benefits that set TeacherMade apart.

Better for Formative Assessment Because of Auto-Grading

TeacherMade’s most significant difference is its assessment features. TeacherMade is an online worksheet creator that has built-in assessment features and auto-scoring. Self-scoring assignments are essential for quickly identifying key needs in the classroom. It also allows teachers to gain valuable time.

Dozens of question types To choose From

Because of TeacherMade’s focus on assessment, you will also have access to multiple question types. These include:

    • Multiple choice
    • Short answer
    • Dropdown
    • Open and long answer
    • Matching
    • True/ false
    • Checkbox/Multi-select
    • Hotspots
    • Equation editor
    • Numbers, Fractions, Mixed Number types
    • Drag and drops
    • Hot text
    • Match Table Grids
    • Coordinate graphs
    • Number lines
    • Hot text

You can ask the exact question you need to ask with TeacherMade. Additionally, TeacherMade’s technology makes it a fantastic way to prepare every day for the standardized tests and TEIs that students will encounter at the end of the year. 

A Teacher Tool That Makes You More Productive

TeacherMade is a productivity tool for Teachers. We make it easy to tranform your favorite supplementals into online activities, grade them, and provide digital feedback. When students need to practice their learning or demonstrate knowledge, TeacherMade is a much more efficient way. 


Because you can use TeacherMade for a wide variety of learning tasks that occur in any subject or grade level, it has more use cases across a school or district. Practically every Teacher can use TeacherMade in their classroom.

Choose the app that fits into a variety of classrooms

TeacherMade is a versatile online learning tool that you can use in various classroom situations. With TeacherMade, you can go beyond digitizing your PDFs. Make all parts of an assignment more efficient: digitizing, distribution, grading, feedback, and assessment measures. You will be surprised at how seamlessly TeacherMade fits in with a variety of courses and other tech tools, too.