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TpT Easel vs TeacherMade: Which online worksheet maker is best?

Less is more in the online classroom. Picking the online tools that work hardest for you and your students is important. We’ve rounded up the ways TeacherMade and TpT Easel compare. 

TpT Easel offers basic features that work for beginners. But online worksheets are here to stay. Graduate to a professional platform today

TeacherMade’s robust and intuitive platform is worth the place in your lineup, and here’s why.

TeacherMade vs. TpT Easel

Easel by Teachers Pay Teachers and TeacherMade Compared:

TeacherMade Online Interactive Worksheet Maker

    • Robust tools for many different subjects and grade levels
    • 12 question types
    • Audio and video integration
    • Advanced equation editors
    • Share activities with other colleagues
    • Auto- grading
    • View both individual and class data
    • Feedback 
    • Resubmission of student work possible
    • Integrates with Google Classroom, Schoology, and Canvas
    • Use any worksheet or assignment in your arsenal

TpT Easel

  • Basic tool set
  • No auto-grading
  • Google Classroom only
  • View one student submission at a time
  • Works best with Teacher Pay Teachers materials

Teachers Pay Teachers Easel has limited tools

    • Textbox 
    • Drawing tools
    • Shapes
    • Highlight

The tools you have to work with on Easel by Teachers Pay Teachers is fairly limited. You only have text boxes, drawing tools, highlighter, and shapes to work with on the app. These features (and more) are available on the TeacherMade app.

TeacherMade gives users a robust set of tools to make online interactive activities

On the other hand, TeacherMade offers numerous features that Teachers can implement in various class settings. 

Twelve different question types for differentiated instruction

Don’t limit your assessment techniques by using an online worksheet that can’t handle the questions you want to ask. TeacherMade offers many different question types so that you can throw the right questions at your students. Here are a few types that you can find on TeacherMade’s interactive activity platform:

    • Open answer and essay questions
    • Multiple choice (4 types)
    • Checkbox/ check all that apply
    • Dropdown
    • True/ false
    • Hot spots
    • Matching
    • And more!

Audio and video integration

It’s 2021, so Teachers need audio and video to be integrated into digital assignments seamlessly. Teachers use our audio feature all the time for directions, read alouds, and even simple prompting. The video integration is excellent for attaching explainer videos directly to your assignments. Your students can even get in on the game and now add audio and video clips to their answers. The possibilities are endless!

Advanced equation editors

Math and science Teachers rejoice! Our advanced equation editors fit all of your STEM needs. This includes numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, algebraic equations, and more!

Share activities with other Teachers

We don’t teach in a bubble, so why would you want your teaching apps to isolate you? Teaching is collaborative, so we’ve made it simple to share activities you create on TeacherMade with other Teachers. 

TeacherMade provides auto-grading

Our auto-grading software frees up nights and weekends. Simply add answers to the assignment as you’re creating it, and TeacherMade will do the heavy lifting. You can also edit your answer sheet anytime during the grading process because we know adjustments need to happen. 

Toggle between individual student work and whole-class view with TeacherMade

TpT Easel only allows you to look at one student submission at a time. This can be limiting when you’re trying to hunt for learning gaps in your class. That’s why TeacherMade makes it easy to view students’ work individually and as a whole class. Look at your students’ achievements from many angles.

Teachers Pay Teachers Easel doesn’t allow feedback and resubmissions

Personalized authentic feedback is where true learning occurs. Give your students feedback on how they are doing with TeacherMade. We also make redos, retests, and resubmissions easy because sometimes learning needs to happen again. 

TeacherMade is a robust online learning platform that integrates with Google Classroom, Canvas, and Schoology.

TeacherMade integrates with major LMS platforms. Online learning platforms that integrate with TeacherMade include Google Classroom, Canvas, and Schoology. This is key for distance learning because you do not have to juggle between dozens of apps to accomplish your students’ learning goals. The easier an online worksheet is to complete, the more likely it will become an integral part of your classroom. 

Teachers Pay Teachers Easel has essential integration with Google Classroom and requires your students to use a Gmail account to complete online worksheets. This may not be feasible with your current privacy setup at your school.

TpT Easel is best used with purchased Teachers Pay Teachers Worksheets.

TpT Easel works best when used with worksheets you purchase on the Teachers Pay Teachers website. They would call this “seamless integration,” but this pushes Teachers to spend more money on their website. Don’t fall into this trap.  

TeacherMade converts any worksheet into an online interactive activity.

TeacherMade, on the other hand, provides Teachers with flexibility. TeacherMade allows Teachers to convert any worksheet into an online interactive activity. Simply choose your original worksheet. You can use a PDF, photo, or Word Doc. Upload the file. This file becomes the background of your digital worksheet. Add questions anywhere on the document, and you can even add your answer key for auto-grading. Post in your preferred LMS system, and then view the results.

...And you can still use Teachers Pay Teachers with TeacherMade

Your TpT materials work on TeacherMade. Just upload your file, and get to work. We believe teachers should get learning resources from any source, and we don’t limit teacher. 

Here’s what our Teachers say after using TeacherMade

TeacherMade was right at the top of my list for best find apps that made virtual and hybrid instruction not just more tolerable, but in some ways better than analog methods I was used to.  In fact, by the end of the school year, I realized that this app had fallen into the description I often use with car features, “you can deal with less, but once you get more options, there’s no going back”.  Just try backing up in an older car once you’ve gotten used to that camera, or trying to drive anywhere without a navigation system.  The ease of assignment management, auto-grading, versatility, and ability to provide faster feedback to students is the “upgrades” of teaching I got used to last year and there’s no going back. – Tiffany S. 

TeacherMade is FREE. Simplify your classroom, go paperless, and create online worksheets in minutes.

Join thousands of other Teachers in digitizing your online materials with TeacherMade.