How will classrooms look this fall? This year’s back-to-school season is difficult for so many reasons. With the pandemic on the rise in many communities, Teachers must ensure that they are equipped for whatever COVID-19 throws their way. For many, that means remote teaching and using videoconferencing to work with their students, again. Enter Google Meet, a free videoconferencing tool that’s integrated with Google Classroom!
Google Meet is Google’s secure video conferencing application, accessible for anyone with a Google Account. While Meet usually limits meetings up to 100 participants for 60 minutes at a time, schools gain access to advanced features—including up to 250 participants per session— through September 30th, 2020!
Google Meet integrates into G Suite for Education, and Teachers who already make use of Google Classroom will love Google Meet. Meetings can be recorded and stored in the owner’s Drive, resources and attachments can be shared with participants, and captions can be toggled on or off for accessibility purposes.
Additionally, for Teachers with multiple classes and/or sections, Google Meet allows individual links to be created for these different groups. That way, each class has a designated virtual classroom! Teachers can hold office hours or student meetings with Google Meet. Former high school Teacher John R. Sowash created a great guide for setting up Meet events of different kinds! Be sure to check it out for some unique ideas:
For more tips on using Google Meet in your remote classroom, check out these videos on YouTube:
How to Use Google Meet – Detailed Tutorial
Click here to set up your FREE account today.
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